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HUAWEI IS BACK!! Donald Trump set to lift Huawei ban

HUAWEI IS BACK!! Donald Trump set to lift Huawei ban.

As the G20 Summit in Japan wraps up, US president Donald Trump and Chinese president Xi Jinping met at the summit and had a brief meeting. Following the meeting, president Trump announced via Twitter that the two countries will resume trade talks. While he will be putting off plans to implement new sanctions indefinitely.

He also hinted that US companies will be allowed to resumed business with Huawei. Although he didn’t say when that will happen. You may recall that in May, Trump signed an executive order to block sales of US products to Huawei which is considered a security risk.

However, Trump told reporters that he will be meeting with officials to ease the pressure on Huawei. But they haven’t made any conclusion to lift them completely. Huawei has been caught in the middle of a very harsh and bitter trade war since last year between China and the US. Trump administration still considers the company a security threat. But the new meeting seems to have softened Trump to a large extent. That doesn’t mean Huawei should relax because this battle is not over. They must fight to break away from US dominance. Otherwise, they will continue to be pawns in this ugly war for as long as it lasts.

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