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Huawei now free to do business with the United States again!

Huawei now free to do business with the United States again!

It has really been a very tough, nightmarish past few weeks for Chinese tech giant Huawei. The company has been on the US entity list. This bans it from doing business with any American company due to what the American government termed “security risk.” Any US company which wanted to do any business with Huawei will seek approval first from the US government. It will obtain a temporal licence before it can do business with the Chinese company.

However, following the meeting between Trump and Chinese leader Xi Xinpin, Trump has finally eased the ban and will now allow Huawei to continue buying from American companies again just like before. Speaking with reporters after the G20 summit in Japan, Trump said “a lot of people are surprised we sell to Huawei a huge amount of product that goes into a lot of the various things that they make, and I said that’s okay. We will keep selling that product.”

The ban really had serious consequences for Huawei and would have crippled the company if it were not lifted. Huawei has been really dependent on US companies for things like components and even Android OS for its smartphones and other gadgets. But this doesn’t mean that Huawei is completely free and in the good books of the United States. Economic advisor for Trump, Larry Kudlow has explained the position of the United States as it concerns Huawei. He said what the president means is that Huawei will remain on the blacklist. But that the US government will grant more licences to the US companies to allow them to trade with Huawei.

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