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Samsung and Xiaomi unveil 108MP camera sensor in a new partnership

Samsung and Xiaomi unveil 108MP camera sensor in a new partnership.

While everyone is thinking Sony is the king of the camera with its 48MP sensor, Samsung has taken the thing to the next level by unleashing a 108MP camera sensor which is designed along with Chinese smartphone giant Xiaomi. The new sensor is called the ISOCELL Bright HMX.

The interesting thing about the whole thing is not even the sensor itself but the fact that Samsung collaborated with Xiaomi, a Chinese rival to design it. It’s like asking the US to collaborate with Russia on a new nuclear weapons technology, it’s almost impossible. The sensor has s0.8 micro pixels which mean in size, it is going to be the same as the usual 48MP and 64MP cameras.

This shows that it will be able to fit into the current smartphone designs. In terms of resolution, it will offer a much higher pixel count. It’s even going to be able to shoot videos in 6K. This is quite awesome! However, this doesn’t mean that the technology is going to make cameras produce better image quality. Xiaomi has announced that they’ll soon launch a smartphone that will feature this new 108MP camera sensor. Samsung has also announced that mass production of the new sensor will begin later this month.

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